
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Factory Design Pattern C# Example

Factory it's such a Design Pattern which defines an interface for creating an object, but lets the classes that implement the interface decide which class to instantiate. Factory Pattern lets a class postpone instantiation to sub-classes.

Let's see Factory Pattern in action on a simple example. Assume you have two different classes Toyota and Suzuki, they both implements abstract class Car. You need to instantiate one of these classes, but you don't know which of them, it depends on user. This is perfect scenario for the Factory Pattern.

Factory Design Pattern example program diagram

So here are our two main classes and the interface (abstract class):
abstract class Car
    public abstract string Company { get; }
    public abstract string Model { get; set; }
    public abstract int Speed { get; set; }

class Suzuki : Car
    private readonly string _company;
    private string _model;
    private int _speed;

    public Suzuki(string model, int speed)
        _company = "Suzuki";
        _model = model;
        _speed = speed;

    public override string Company
        get { return _company; }

    public override string Model
        get { return _model; }
        set { _model = value; }

    public override int Speed
        get { return _speed; }
        set { _speed = value; }

class Toyota : Car
    private readonly string _company;
    private string _model;
    private int _speed;

    public Toyota(string model, int speed)
        _company = "Toyota";
        _model = model;
        _speed = speed;

    public override string Company
        get { return _company; }

    public override string Model
        get { return _model; }
        set { _model = value; }

    public override int Speed
        get { return _speed; }
        set { _speed = value; }
Abstract CarFactory class is an interface for our ToyotaFactory and SuzukiFactory classes that will be responsible for the instantiation of corresponding car, therefore they only have one single GetCar() method.
abstract class CarFactory
    public abstract Car GetCar();

class ToyotaFactory : CarFactory
    private string _model;
    private int _speed;

    public ToyotaFactory(string model, int speed)
        _model = model;
        _speed = speed;
    public override Car GetCar()
        return new Toyota(_model, _speed);

class SuzukiFactory: CarFactory
    private string _model;
    private int _speed;

    public SuzukiFactory(string model, int speed)
        _model = model;
        _speed = speed;

    public override Car GetCar()
        return new Suzuki(_model, _speed);
What is left is only CarAssembler class which will create needed type of car depending on the factory that it receives as parameter.
class CarAssembler
    public void AssembleCar(CarFactory factory)
        Car car = factory.GetCar();
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} assembled successfully. Maximum speed is {2} mph", 
            car.Company, car.Model, car.Speed);
That's all! Now you can instantiate corresponding car object depending on user input:
static void Main(string[] args)
    CarFactory factory = null;
    Console.WriteLine("Which car you would like to build?");
    string car = Console.ReadLine();
    if (car == "toyota")
        factory = new ToyotaFactory("Corolla", 130);
        factory = new SuzukiFactory("Swift", 110);

    new CarAssembler().AssembleCar(factory);
Here is the program output:

Factory Pattern example output

Download the source code (Visual Studio 2012 project).


  1. whats difference between factory and abstract Factory Pattern .

  2. With the Factory pattern, you produce implementations (Apple, Banana, Cherry, etc.) of a particular interface let's say, IFruit.

    With the Abstract Factory pattern, you produce implementations of a particular Factory interface, let's say IFruitFactory. Each of those knows how to create different kinds of fruit.

  3. That's a nice article and all, but you defeat the purpose of a pattern.
    Take out all the COMPANY references... add... Here...

    namespace Patterns
    abstract class Car
    public abstract string Make { get; set; }
    public abstract string Model { get; set; }
    public abstract int Speed { get; set; }

    Delete SusukiFactory.cs
    Delete Susuki.cs

    namespace Patterns
    class Toyota : Car
    private string _make;
    private string _model;
    private int _speed;

    public Toyota(string make, string model, int speed)

    _make = make;
    _model = model;
    _speed = speed;

    public override string Make
    get { return _make; }
    set { _make = value; }

    public override string Model
    get { return _model; }
    set { _model = value; }

    public override int Speed
    get { return _speed; }
    set { _speed = value; }


    namespace Patterns
    abstract class CarFactory
    public abstract Car GetCar();


    namespace Patterns

    class ToyotaFactory : CarFactory
    private string _make;
    private string _model;
    private int _speed;

    public ToyotaFactory(string make, string model, int speed)
    _make = make;
    _model = model;
    _speed = speed;
    public override Car GetCar()
    return new Toyota( _make, _model, _speed);



    using System;

    namespace Patterns
    class CarAssembler
    public void AssembleCar(CarFactory factory)
    Car car = factory.GetCar();
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} assembled successfully. Maximum speed is {2} mph",
    car.Make, car.Model, car.Speed);


    using System;

    namespace Patterns
    class Patterns
    static void Main(string[] args)
    CarFactory factory = null;
    Console.WriteLine("Which car you would like to build?");
    string car = Console.ReadLine();

    switch (car)
    case "Toyota":
    factory = new ToyotaFactory("Toyota", "Corolla", 130);
    case "Susuki":
    factory = new ToyotaFactory("Susuki", "Swift", 110);
    case "Chevy":
    factory = new ToyotaFactory("Chevy", "Jimmy", 95);
    case "Ford":
    factory = new ToyotaFactory("Ford", "Explorer", 85);
    factory = new ToyotaFactory("Dodge", "Ram 1500",120);

    new CarAssembler().AssembleCar(factory);

    Now everything is ran through the Toyota factory. We killed two classes. Susuki was so close to the Toyota Factory it wasn't funny. The purpose of patterns is to eliminate redundant code, not create it.

  4. very good article.I have asked a question that why we have to use abstract method in public abstract Car GetCar(); under CarFactory class. Can we use interface.

    Sagar B
